Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10th IAF Congress & Seminar - 6th October 2008 Founder's Day

On the second day of arrival in Tanabe the 10th IAF Congress & Seminar programme officially started. In the morning the delegates and participants were to visit the gravesite of O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba and prayers were held for him on Founder's day. As they were many people that day we were told to follow the blue coloured banner. Some time were given to us to look around but the crowd quickly gathered around the temple area where paryer's were being held for O sensei. Among the attendees were Doshu and his family, Dr Peter Goldsbury who is the president of the IAF, Mayor of Tanabe, Governor of Wakayama prefecture, shihans and delegates.

After the prayers the we were invited to pay our respects by offering incense and thereafter we proceeded to line up to pay our respects to at O Sensei's gravesite. Due to time constraint after respects were paid we were quickly ushered back to the bus to have lunch and prepare for the first 2 seminars in the afternoon to be conducted by Shoji Seki shihan from Hombu Dojo, 7th dan and Tony Smibert shihan from Australia, 6th dan.

Sensei busy taking video

Lining up to offer incense to O sensei

We were given tea, oranges and plum wine

O sensei's gravesite

Sensei ready for the seminar in the afternoon!

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