Saturday, May 23, 2009

Seminar and upgrading 15th-17th May 2009

The seminar was successfully conducted by Hj Haneef sensei, 6th dan (Technical Chairman of Aikikai Malaysia) with Zainuddin sensei, 3rd dan (President of Aikikai Malaysia and Supervising Technical Instructor of BAF ) and Suzalie sensei, 3rd dan (Vice President of Aikikai Malaysia). The seminar saw participation from Darussalam dojo, Aikikai Wira dojo and BSRC dojo.

From left to right: Pg Sufian sensei, Zainuddin sensei, Suzalie sensei, Hj Sabtu sensei and Sarah Wong

from left to right: Hj Haneef sensei, Pg Sufian sensei, Zainuddin sensei, Suzalie sensei and Hj Sabtu sensei

Hj Haneef sensei with Ahmad Isa

An upgrading session was conducted on 16th May 2009 and Aikidamashii Dojo would like to offer its congratulations to the following members who passed their upgrading and obtained their promotions:

Mohd Ali Awang Adi - 1st kyu

Mohd Noh Matassan - 1st kyu

Ng Thin Chiong - 1st kyu

Wong Seow Chui - 1st kyu

Once again congratulations to the members above. Let all of us work hard and train sincerely with one another with the aim of mutual development and well being.

Finally a big thank you all who helped to make this seminar happen. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Also a word of thanks to Ms Rozi Yunos who so kindly contributed some very tasty snacks for the seminar.

Until the next seminar, train well!

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