Monday, August 24, 2009

Seminar 31st July - 2nd August 2009

Once again Aikidamashii Dojo had the pleasure of inviting Zainuddin Abd Khalic sensei, 3rd dan and President of Aikikai Malaysia, to conduct a seminar. The seminar saw participation from members of Aikidamashii Dojo as well as BSRC Dojo.

From left to right: Raimin, Peter, Ali, Zainuddin sensei, Chui, Nadiah and Hazirah.

Zainuddin sensei with the male participants.

In this seminar sensei focused on footwork and hip movements in executing techniques. Sensei also instructed on, among others, bukiwaza in several sessions of the seminar which gave the students a more tangible perception of how it related to taijutsu training.

Uke: Ali

Sensei with Ren Wen (uke) and Ren An (in seiza)

Ren An and Ren Wen. They learn very fast and have seen much improvement since they started the last few months.

Chiong training with the jo and loving it!

In addition one session was held at BSRC Dojo where Shakirin Lamit took his upgrading test.

Photograph taken during the ride to Seria.

Our heartiest congratulations to Shakirin who is promoted to gokyu! (Best student that night)

Sensei with Aikidamashii Dojo and BSRC Dojo participants.

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